As some (perhaps none) of you know, my wife and I are homeschooling all of our kids. While we would love to attain a level of homeschooling proficiency akin to Captain Fantastic, we do seem to fall short of the mark. But that's neither a discussion for here nor there.
I am currently working to develop a computer science curriculum that will consist, as of right now, studies in computer programming (C++ of course) and Computer Graphics (vector and raster graphics). I'm unfortunately, getting to the party too late to recreation my personal educational path through technology.
That path for me began with an Electronics background. Once I finally got into programming, I already knew full and well what a nibble way, or that an IBM-compatible PC used 9-bit byteswhereas Apple used 8-bit bytes, or that a "1" generally equates to 3.3 VDC to 5.0 VDC while a "0" was generally accepted as 0.0 VDC to 3.3 VDC, and so on. Computers and technology were a lot less mystifying back then and everyone that was into the pre-IT technology fields all shared these and many other basic concepts. So there was a lot less 'splainin' to do back then.

One of the things that shaped my understanding of the internet and communications came from years as a BBS user as well as a BBS sysop. Therefore, I have decided, that my homeschool students will know how to access and use a BBS. Sure, there's the whole element of modems, ringtones, carrier signals, and file transfer protocols, such as X-Y-ZMODEM, but it will help to shape their understanding of where the internet came from, and that it's not just some magic entity that powers little magic boxes that everyone walks around with. Social media, meet FidoNet!

Now I know ya'll are thinking the obvious: but Zham, there ARE no more BBSes; they're dead, like the dinosaurs. To that, I will have to argue that they ate still aroun today. Mainly as a nostalgic piece of our lives that the internet has shattered, but there's more. I think there is a BBS renaissance coming, as those bearing intelligence migrate away from today's repositories of spite and apathy back to a medium that once held users, conversations, and experiences of a higher quality. Sure, it won't quite be what it once was, but even in the heyday, BBS'es were underground; a refuge for those who were vehemently labelled as "geeks" by their peers.
So yeah. I'll be firing up an old computer which will host SBBS. That is, just as soon as I get a hold drilled through the wall for a cat5 cable... That's gonna require a drill and some tequila. (I already have the keystone jacks).

Old school and lovin' it!