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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones no spoilers from books but MAY BE FROM S
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:25 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones no spoilers from books but MAY BE FROM S
PostPosted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:26 pm 
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If these actors aren't showered with Emmys... there's something rotten in the state of Denmark. :x
 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones no spoilers from books but MAY BE FROM S
PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 12:39 pm 
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That episode 8 was damn epic. I was sooo pissed that Oberyn died... even more this way ! Damn. This guy was awesome.

Episode 9... not sure what to think about it. Kinda disappointed it was all on Night's Watch being attacked and a bit surprised that it ends with a victory on their side after all what was said before about them having no chance.
Those giants are cool though, wasnt expecting to see those. I was like "omg what the fard is that ???" :lol:
 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones no spoilers from books but MAY BE FROM S
PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:37 pm 
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I know what you mean... but I see why they had to do it. They've been building up this bigass battle at Castle Black all season, between the Wildlings on both sides of the wall. Arguably, if it wasn't for Jon Snow, they would've lost.

They also had to kill off the characters they did, though I am surprised Big Ginger survived.
 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones no spoilers from books but MAY BE FROM S
PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 3:45 pm 
NetWoC Admin

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I am in two minds about last night's episode, part of me enjoyed it and it did pass very quickly which makes me believe it must have been good :P

I had a strong suspicion it would be the kid who would shoot Ygritte or possibly Ghost might rip her throat out. It was sad and I cried :P Although "you know nothing Jon Snow" might have been over kill...

They fought well, they fought bravely but seemed to me more than 102 (103?) Night's Watch men died in that battle. Certainly seemed to be a lot of hacking and such from the wildlings and the crows dropped like flies.

The battle at the inner gate was epic in its heroism, Grenn reciting the oath. And now their watch is ended. Alisair Thorne redeemed himself somewhat, and his words to Jon about a leader not second guessing himself were very wise.

I was waiting for the huge event I know is coming and was disappointed they left it till next week. Next weeks episode is potentially filled with major events.

People have been complaining that as such a popular and successful show there should be more than 10 episodes a season - me, I couldn't stand the waiting :P

One last point - the complaint that the whole episode was based at the Wall. My friends, these men defend the realms of men, not just from the wildlings (cos they are men after all) but from worse and more.
If the wall falls, Westeros falls.
Doesn't matter who is on the Iron Throne if the evil beyond the wall comes walking south :ugeek:
 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones no spoilers from books but MAY BE FROM S
PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:00 am 
NetWoC Admin (Site Founder & Owner)
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I don't think it was a problem that the whole thing was based at the wall. They did that in the Blackwater episode as well, where it was all one event/location for the episode. If it makes sense, it makes sense.
 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones no spoilers from books but MAY BE FROM S
PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:08 am 
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http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/06/13/game- ... ted-emmys/

Now that that's out of the way...

Wow, lots of questions for next year!

- Is the Hound dead, for real? I mean, damn, Brienne did a number on him, but this is TV we're talking about... people have survived worse... Speaking of which, that was probably the most brutal one-on-one fight I've ever seen. :whoa:

- So Bran's gonna be a druid? Well, that's kinda not surprising, given his Worg-ing. But the little wizard girl... that's new. And actual skeletons?

- I probably missed it somewhere, but WTF is Stannis doing at/north of the wall? We gonna have a massive Stannis vs Boltons war next season? (Oh, I hope so... so many people I wanna see dead. :twisted:)

- I had to LOL at Varys turning around at the sound of the bells, like, "Nope, not gonna get involved with that mess." heh. It's probably good that he went along anyway... Tyrion will need some help getting back on his feet, wherever they end up.

- WTF are they doing to the Mountain? Obviously he'll survive this "highly dangerous" procedure... but he won't be the same after? What, he gonna be a steampunk cyborg? :P

- Tywin murdered on the sh!tter. :lol:

Also, King's Landing is gonna be in fsking chaos. :whoa:
 Post subject: Re: Game of Thrones no spoilers from books but MAY BE FROM S
PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:49 pm 
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